Pan-Macedonian Association of Melbourne Victoria
The Centre of Macedonian Culture

About Us
A Distinct Identity
The Pan Macedonian Association of Melbourne and Victoria was founded in 1952 with the aim of preserving the crucible of Hellenistic culture that is Macedonia.

Our History
Macedon was an ancient kingdom located in the north of the Greek peninsula first inhabited by the Mackednoi tribe who, according to Herodotus, were the first to call themselves 'Hellenes' (later applied to all Greeks) and who gave the land their name.
The kingdom was founded c. 7th century BCE by Caranas who seems semi-mythical and named after the god Makedon (also given as Makednos, Macedon), a son of Zeus.
The rule of King Phillip II (r. 359-336 BCE) systematically brought the southern Greek city-states under his control. After Philip's assassination in 336 BCE his throne passed to his son, Alexander the Great (r. 336-323 BCE), who would spread Greek culture and civilization across the known world of antiquity. Macedon continued as an autonomous and powerful kingdom until it was annexed by Rome, along with the rest of Greece, c.146 BCE.
Slavic invasions of the region began around the 5th century CE as Rome was falling and continued through the 7th century CE. In 681 CE the First Bulgarian Empire was founded in the region by the Bulgar tribes which would last until 1018 CE when the region was taken by the Byzantine Empire. The Byzantines held it until 1453 CE when they were defeated by the Ottomans who established themselves in the region as part of their empire and who would hold it until the 20th century CE, where Macedonians played a key role in the liberation of the homeland and the establishment of a Greek state, continuing the legacy of our ancient King, Alexander the Great.

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